
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Inception: My Most Anticipated Summer Movie

From the first time I saw a preview for Christopher Nolan's new film Inception I couldn't wait for 16 July 2010. Nolan is responsible for the newest Batman films, Batman Begins and the Dark Knight, and unless you lived under a rock for the past 6 years you know how good those were. Combined that with the fact that Inception is an original screenplay, Nolan's first since Memento and it has the talents of Leo, Michael Cain, Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, it should be in this reviewer's opinion THE movie of the summer (sorry Twilight fans).

I am excited for several reasons. First of all, I have yet to see a Leonardo DiCaprio film I haven't liked, and most I loved. Second the film has been scored by this generations John Williams, Hans Zimmer (who worked with Nolan on Batman Begins and the Dark Knight, and other great films such as Pirates 2 and 3 and Gladiator). Third it has one of the most original plot lines we have seen since District 9, which was a huge hit last summer. I am trying not to have my expectations too high, but with this cast, director, and musical score it is hard for me not to expect greatness.

So even though the film has not been released, and no I haven't seen a bootlegged copy, I say, See it NOW! (or the weekend of 16 July 2010).

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