

My mother collects books. If it has been written in the last 10 years there is a good chance she has read it or bought and will get to it soon. For me that is movies. Because movies are my "thing" I wanted to have a review blog so that my friends and family could see what I think about a movie quick and easy.

My rating system:

See it NOW!-This rating means you should do everything in your power to see the film being review in theaters A.S.A.P. This rating will be sparingly used.

See it-This rating means you need to see the film but it is not as important for you to see it in the theater. The dollar movies would be good. But definitely don't miss it.

Blu Ray/DVD-This means it isn't worth the $19 you would pay at the theater but it is still good enough to see if it intrigues you at Blockbuster or on NetFlix.

Don't Bother-This rating is self explanatory. Maybe you can watch this if you get trapped at your in-laws but even then avoid the film.

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